
Klipsutin - Suspender clips

Klipsutin - Suspender clip

Paidan tuunauksen yhteydessä tein klipsuttimen sitä varten. Halusin joustavan materiaalin klipsuttimien väliin. Koristeellista, mustaa kuminauhaa löysin Porvoon Nappi-Aitasta - kuva ei tee oikeutta kuminauhalle. Klipsutin sopii edellisen postauksen villatakkiin ja muihinkin napittomiin takkeihin.

Suspender clips are all the craze now but not for use with suspenders but for cardigans without buttons. There are lots of pretty ones with beads between the clips but I wanted flexible material to allow for use in multiple garments. I chose a decorative, fabric covered elastic band. It goes well with the cardigan shown in my previous post. The photo doesn't really do justice to it.

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