
Virkattu heijastin - A crocheted reflector

Nyt kun illat pimenevät, käsilaukkuni kaipasi heijastinta. Laukku on sen verran pieni, että valmiit heijastimet ovat aivan liian suuria siihen. Varastoistani löytyi heijastinlankaa, josta virkkasin pienen kukan. "Lanka" oli yllättävän kovaa mutta syntyi siitä jonkinlainen kukka ja joka tapauksessa se ajaa asiansa.

Now that it's getting darker every day, I needed a reflector for my handbag. As my purse is quite small, all the ready-made ones were way too big to use. I found some high-visibility reflective yarn in my stash and I crocheted a small reflector in the shape of a flower. This type of "yarn" was quite stiff so the flower didn't turn out as pretty as I had thought. It's useful, though, and it's already hanging on the outside of my purse.

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