
Sateenvarjosta kassiksi - From an umbrella to a bag

From umbrella to bag

Kokoontaitettavan, Edmins-merkkisen sateenvarjoni automaattinen avausmekanismi hajosi. Harmitti. Kangas oli kaunis ja sateenvarjollekin olisi ollut vielä käyttöä. Päätin hyödyntää kankaan. Irrotin sen ja tein siitä kassin ja pienen pussukan, minkä sisälle kassin voi laskostaa.

The auto-open mechanism of my foldable Edmins umbrella broke down. I was annoyed. I really liked the design and I could've had some use for the umbrella, too. I decided to upcycle the fabric by removing it from the frame and converting it into a bag and a small pouch where the bag can be folded.

The bag

Bag pouch

1 comment:

Sum of their Stories said...

Brilliant, what a great upcycle. Thank you for sharing the idea with us at Handmade Monday :-)